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September 3, 2012


The first problem I encountered of writing this post was that I thought that it will be impossible! To explain something that I am not good at really bothered me. I can't seem to find what I am looking for and could not deliver the message.

That IS my problem. I am not good in personal management. I am not good in handling stress, meeting datelines, organising works, searching for solutions and all these are building pressure on my head... 

Have you ever met this kinds of situations too? If your answer is no, that means either you are a really organised and well planned person or you are lying to yourself...

Obviously, if I could manage what I know and plan on what I can do, things will get simpler for me. I could reduce energy and time consumption and increase productivity, get more jobs done in a day.

Sometimes I face problems that i cannot resolve on my own. For example, in writing a report regarding a Knowledge Management software application used by an organization, I need to give out questionnaires to understand how the KM application is effective in its purpose. So I need to network with an employee with that organization to distribute my questionnaires and get the report done. Failing to do so will be costly for me.

Thank God for technology! (also thanks to all the people who work in the field). Nowadays, it is so easy to store files and documents and disseminate and distribute them and reuse them again.. The best part is it is so easy to find the stuff you want in matter of seconds! 

There are so many many tools that I can find to make my life easier. All I need to figure out is how to make use of them in the best of ways. We have all this social networking sites, search engines, cloud data storage and many more applications that we often 'mislooked' that we can manipulate (or help facilitate) to get our jobs done, instead of decreasing our performance, but increase it instead. Right?!

Having realized this, I shouldn't be feeling burdened to write this post in the first place. It is all about personal management or more percisely, Personal Knowledge Management.

The key to leveraging my performance in getting my work done is by managing everything that I know and placing the right pieces on to the right puzzle.

Don't let your dilemmas overwhelm you! Personal KM is not that hard. It makes your life easier - much easier!

Allow me to share with you a song clip that describe failure in Personal KM. Well, it is actually a love song but always too often people who are in love forget to be manageable...(hope I'm wrong)

*Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright of this clip

Really bad, huh? Don't let that happen to you! 

Personal KM does not only help you, it helps you to help others as well. Even to a larger context -the society and the country as well. Your plans today might trigger a response in the future. Your perspiration today might be an inspiration for others tomorrow!




Thank you for your wonderul time to read.

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